It’s March 2024. The story I wrote for you (and me) is about “Take Your Time,” and late this afternoon, home from the hospital, as I began to type my handwritten notes, then edit, I knew I needed to pause, and go to the beach for a walk in the salty air.
Thus, this post is take two, and I’ll share the original story midweek.
I’m in California, it’s been at least ten days since I’ve put my feet in the sand. At day 19, weariness prickling my skin, the spring forward daylight saving time brings both a need for a nap, and an hour later sunset is now past the no visitor-shift change at Mission Hospital, where I’ve been keeping vigil.
This eve, instead of writing the story I’d intended, or exploring the concept of keeping vigil – keeping watch – I made myself choose to ignore a nap, bundle up, unpack my big camera, sling it over my shoulder, and make my way to the beach for a sunset wander.
A simple walk became my healthy way to pray, meditate, keep vigil, and be present in the sunset for both me and my brother, who remains fighting for his life on the SICU floor of the hospital. So, to connect him to the healing land, and for my own clearing, I walked, and wandered, taking—making—time. Breathing, seeing, immersing myself in life. Appreciating beauty, simplicity. Getting lost in the light, and found.
Truth is, all we have is now, and I share the gift of life, seeing simply, honoring the rhythm of take your time.
How might you take your time this week?

Beautiful photos as always capturing peace in creation 💜