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What is your experience of an in-between time, of liminal space, in the not-quite-yet, unknown, uncertainty? How do you care for yourself, or give permission for others to care for you in these times?

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I can really feel into what you're experiencing, Pegge. So lovely. Quiet and huge. Gives space for many good things to materialize. The photos, as usual, capture beautiful, timeless moments, the pouring through of harmony and truth and love into form. Absolute best way to wait with someone. It makes me aware that we are not waiting "for," but always waiting "with." Which, of course, is just pure being! Love you. . .

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Yes to waiting and being “with” … thank you. This is such a powerful time of being present. Listening. Breathing. Streaming. Lights on. Cohesion and unifying, flow.

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And… I hadn’t yet started Eben Alexander’s book (Proof of Heaven) that you recommended—I did listen to video!—and Ricky’s wife walked in with it yesterday! It had been gifted to Rick and showed up at the top of a stack when she was looking for a book to read!

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The in between time, the waiting, it can feel sooooo lonnnng. Waiting to know what you’re dealing with so you can move forward. Although isn’t it funny, now after the waiting, to reflect back and realize we never actually know what we’re dealing with. Not really. Only God does, He knows every detail and He’s right here with us. I want to control things, to fix things, to make everything better. We can’t control much except maybe what I’m about to put in my mouth right now, so yes I can make better choices for me, right now. During that time of waiting for a diagnosis for my daughter, which thankfully was not cancer, I learned to cry out to the Lord and to ask those who I knew had deep faith to lift her and the entire situation to the Lord in prayer. Asking for healing, mercy, peace, guidance to find the path towards healing and wisdom for those who will be helping us along the journey. To point us in the right direction to get the right medical help. It can feel like so much, and yet Jesus says “ ”“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”“‭‭Matthew‬ ‭11‬:‭28‬-‭30‬ I’m so thankful to be able to lean into the love of Jesus, so strong and yet gentle. The journey still continues, it’s not cancer, but it’s some thing. Our bodies tell us when something is not right, we just have to listen and seek the path of healing. It’s an honor and a privilege to walk with others on their journeys, seeking healing for themselves or their families. I have the privilege of running my own business, so I can stop and put it down when I need to and be present to my family and friends when they need me. It’s such a gift. Just to be able to pray and be ready to say yes when they need me. I’m so thankful for Pegge’s beautiful words and openness that are such an inspiration 💜

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